Informational Resources
Birth Options Alliances provides the following informational resources to our community:
Yahoo Group
BOA hosts a Yahoo discussion group: pose your question to BOA’s more than 1000 members, and receive quick, informative and heartfelt responses. The experience and knowledge of our group provides a wide variety of information from which to choose from when considering your own birth options. Click on the "Yahoo Groups" link below to join.
Information About Your Birth Options
Check out the "What Are Your Options?" section of this website for information about preparing for birth, choosing a midwife/doctor and birthplace, ensuring good labor support, understanding different models of care, figuring out how to pay for various birth options, and resources for postpartum support.
Lists of Area Birth Care Providers
BOA compiles lists of area birth professionals and resources, and makes these lists available to our community free of charge. We offer lists of Midwives, Birth Doulas, Free and Low Cost Doulas, Breastfeeding Resources, Postpartum Doulas, Free and Low Cost Birth and Postpartum Doulas, Childbirth Education Classes, Alternative and Complementary Care Providers, Options for Water Birth/Laboring in Water, Placenta Services in the DC Area, Mental Health Support for the Childbearing Year, and Baby Loss Support Resources. You can view the main list page here.
Links to Other Resources and Organizations
On this website, you can link to many resources for additional learning and exploration of birth options. You can search for supplemental reading, browse a list of birth related films, link to other helpful organizations in our area, and read some birth stories.
Facebook Page
We also have a Facebook page where we post up to date research, news, events, and perspectives related to birth options in our area and elsewhere. You can become a follower of our Facebook page by clicking below.